Parent Volunteer Requirements

Each family is required to donate 30 volunteer hours during the school year. Five volunteer hours must be completed with one of the 2 main MERCY fundraisers, which are the the Crab Feed and the Annual Gala. Families who choose to buy- out their 30 required hours will be billed $700 at registration for 25 of the hours. The 5 remaining hours must be worked at one of the above fundraisers and may not be bought out. Families who do not complete these 5 hours will be billed an additional $500.
Volunteer opportunities include planning and staffing our major fundraisers, working in the classroom, serving as a room parent, staffing the hot lunch program, assisting with sacrament preparation, serving as an athletic coach, chaperoning field trips, donating items to the school for auction, and much more.
All school volunteers must be cleared by the Santa Rosa Diocese and participate in Safe Environment online training program.