General Criteria & Guidelines

Criteria for Admissions
St. Apollinaris Catholic School is dedicated to excellence in education that is rich in Catholic tradition. With Christ as our model and teacher, we partner with St. Apollinaris Catholic Church and our school families to foster students who are Spiritual, Scholarly and Committed to Service.
Students and their families must be committed to the value and purpose of Catholic education and our Mission.
Parent Commitment
- Agreement with the philosophy of the school
- Follow guidelines as established in the Parent/Student Handbook
- Personal interview with the principal
- Fulfill financial obligations
- Choice of parent participation or non-participation according to tuition plan agreement
Student Admission Guidelines
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten
- the results of a screening test for TK/K showing readiness and meets age requirement
- A child who is five years of age by September 1st may be admitted into the Kindergarten
- A child who is four years of age by September 1st may be admitted into the Transitional Kindergarten.
Grades 1-8:
- the scholastic record from the previous school attended as demonstrated by a transcript
- screening/placement test
- conduct consistent with St. Apollinaris Catholic School expectations
- satisfactory completion of work for each school year previous to attending St. Apollinaris Catholic School
- birth certificate
- copy of Baptismal, First Communion and Sacrament of Reconciliation certificates (if applicable), and Health and Attendance Records
All the above are required prior to acceptance to St. Apollinaris Catholic School
Waiting List Policy
When enrollment in any class reaches a maximum capacity, new applicants will be placed on a waiting list and will be notified of availability in a timely manner. As openings occur, the principal admits students to St. Apollinaris Catholic School based on previous records and placement tests. If you are on the waitlist and are offered enrollment and do not accept enrollment for that year you are removed from the waitlist.
Admittance on Probationary Basis
All pupils are admitted to St. Apollinaris Catholic School in the hope of successfully completing the school’s program. New pupils are admitted on a probationary basis for the first trimester. If the pupil has not reached an acceptable level of progress, both academically and behaviorally, the parents will be advised that another educational setting would be beneficial for their child.
Re-admission Requirements
Students who are currently enrolled will be evaluated annually for re-admission each year based on academic performance, behavior and attendance.
Application Fee
An application needs to be submitted for each new child interested in attending St. Apollinaris Catholic School. There is a non-refundable processing fee of $40.00.