Donate Today!

Your donation today will help sustain us through these challenging times and grow into the future!
Whether you donate online or complete the form to mail/drop off your donation information to our school office, your generosity is a blessing and much appreciated!
With tuition covering only 75% of the cost of each student’s education, additional support is vital as St. Apollinaris strives to sustain a high quality, affordable Catholic educational experience especially with the challenges of Covid restrictions and distance learners. We can make this happen and meet the challenges that come our way through the support and partnership with you, our St. Apollinaris community, our parish, our alumni, our friends, and through our MERCY fundraising efforts.
Most of the funds raised through donation and fundraising supplement our operating budget. The heart of the operating budget includes teachers’ salaries, educational materials, and facilities maintenance. Other fundraising events target specific goals, such as financial-aid, facility expansion, or specific educational opportunities. Each year there is a Fund-a-Future program that is directly influenced by parent surveys and monies raised through this program will only go toward the specific project chosen.
You can make a difference today by donating or by discovering other ways to lend your support like participating in MERCY fundraising events, purchasing Scrip, collecting Box Tops for Education, designating St. A’s as your charity and purchasing through AmazonSmile, or consider one of these options.